
Calculators and benchmarks for endurance athletes

On this page:

  • Coggin cycling power table

  • Time calculator for running distances

  • Alan Couzens benchmarks for Ironman athletes

  • 80/20 zone calculators

  • Strength benchmarks by body weight and age

Running distance time calculator

Based on the Secret of Running, sophisticated calculator which lets you enter a known time and distance and predict times at other distances, including adapting to different course profiles and weather.

Visit: Secret of Running time calculator

Coggan cycling power table

Produced by Andrew Coggan, co-author and cycling scientist behind Training and Racing with a Power Meter, and his team. The result of substantial laboratory measurements of multiple athletes from a variety of sports of various fitness levels and genders across four performance scenarios, a quick way to determine your cycling level (and set at 5 seconds, 1-minute, 5-minute and threshold power.

Visit: Andy Coggan cycling power table

A quick way to calculate protein requirements for meals and snacks

  • Take your weight in kilograms

  • Multiply by 4

  • Divide by 10

This is the amount you should aim to consume in each of your three main meals.

  • Now take the same amount and divide in half. 

That’s the amount you should consume in each of two snacks.

Working off a conservative, lower-end estimate of 1.6 g / kg / day.